How can this not be a point?
We pay a lot of money to come to this tournament and according to the rules, there need to be at least 2 cameras - at Dutch open this year they had two cameras, but only one that referees could use as Video Replay. This did change the result of the fight....
#Dutchopen2022 #taekwondo #arrrgh
We pay a lot of money to come to this tournament and according to the rules, there need to be at least 2 cameras - at Dutch open this year they had two cameras, but only one that referees could use as Video Replay. This did change the result of the fight....
#Dutchopen2022 #taekwondo #arrrgh
"Klubben Koreanske navn er Chung Ui og betyder ”loyalitet” og retfærdighed. Vi ønsker at basere klubben på et fundament af gensidig loyalitet og retfærdig behandling af alle. Vi ønsker at fremme fællesskab, respekten for individet og samtidig ønsker vi at fremme en dialogskabende samarbej...
Being great is more than skills. It’s having the right mindset, grit, toughness, work ethic.
Fall in love with what you do. Fall in love with the practice, the work, and getting better.
Fall in love with what you do. Fall in love with the practice, the work, and getting better.
We ready!