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Vores Mission

Copenhagen City Taekwondo Klub (CPH City TKD) er stiftet i 2013.

Det er vores mission at CPH City TKD både vil være blandt Danmarks absolut bedste Taekwondo klubber og samtidig være med til at gøre en forskel for de unge i Nørrebro's Nordvest kvarter.

Vi kan tilbyde en høj undervisningskvalitet, repræsenteret ved dygtigste instruktører, som tæller tidligere Landsholdstræner, og nuværende top atleter.

Seneste nyheder

Ready for the next big event in Denmark - The Nationals next Saturday.

Laila Rashid,
Sami Rashid and
Farooq Rashid

Skøn dag med ministævne for de mindste - Projektet sponsoreret af impuls puljen

Dette gav mulighed for at de unge selv kunne stå for et ministævne. Diesel elever viste på denne måde at de kunne tage et ansvar og stå for at arrangere et event for de mindste. - Klik på linket for at se videoen med jeres skønne børn.

Tusinde tak til Sydbanks Fond der valgte at donere penge, som kan hjælpe os med at give flere børn og unge i Københavns Nordvest kvarter mulighed for, at dyrke taekwondo. Herigennem komme væk fra skærmene og de sociale medier.

Vores projekt blev valgt sammen med 4 andre foreninger blandt 30-40 andre projekter, hvilket vi er beæret over

Tusinde tak 🙏❤️

Day 2 at Dutch Open. Nayels second tournament at this level. Unfortunately the match ended too soon with a sprained ankle. Not the result we wanted the result we got today. Rehab and get to the feets again.

On the mats we had Zainab A and Zakinah, defeated by Great Britain. Vadim lost to Germany unfortunately.

We did not lose, but hace learned a lot as in preparation to Danish Nationals.

#cctkd #taekwondo #tkd #tkdfamily #tkdtraining #kicks #kickstagram #kicksonfire #kick #combinationkicks #kickscombinations #CopenhagenCitytaekwondo #attitudefocuswillpower

20. okt.
Day 2 at Dutch Open. Nayels second tournament at this level. Unfortunately the match ended too soon with a sprained ankle. Not the result we wanted the result we got today. Rehab and get to the feets again. On the mats we had Zainab A and Zakinah, defeated by Great Britain. Vadim lost to Germany unfortunately. We did not lose, but hace learned a lot as in preparation to Danish Nationals. #cctkd #taekwondo #tkd #tkdfamily #tkdtraining #kicks #kickstagram #kicksonfire #kick #combinationkicks #kickscombinations #CopenhagenCitytaekwondo #attitudefocuswillpower
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19. okt.
Copenhagen city at Dutch Open 2024 #cctkd #taekwondo #tkd #tkdfamily #tkdtraining #kicks #kickstagram #kicksonfire #kick #combinationkicks #kickscombinations #CopenhagenCitytaekwondo
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6. okt.
This is the time for focus before the fight @nikolagolemac #cctkd #taekwondo #attitudefocuswillpower #nextgeneration #juniorworldchampionships2024
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6. okt.
This is the time for focus before the fight @nikolagolemac #cctkd #taekwondo #attitudefocuswillpower #nextgeneration #juniorworldchampionships2024
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Tak til vores sponsorer

Kampsportsteori - Bliv klogere på taekwondo teorien

A coachs life